There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour

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About Tegaraty

Tegaraty offers comprehensive Amazon account management services including product listing optimization, PPC management, account health monitoring, inventory management, and customer service. Our goal is to transcend operational excellence and explore opportunities you didn’t even know existed for your account, maximizing your sales and ensuring your account runs smoothly and profitably.

At Tegaraty, we go beyond just managing your Amazon account. We become your commercial partners, seeking every opportunity for growth and success. Our team brings extreme expertise and innovative solutions tailored to each client’s needs. We explore opportunities beyond Amazon, such as expanding into new markets and developing standalone e-commerce websites.

Our typical clients are large businesses because that is where we provide the most value. We maximize the efficiency of their operations, recover any lost reimbursements, and implement strategies that drive significant revenue growth. Our goal is to transcend operational excellence and explore opportunities you didn’t even know existed for your account. We work with enterprises across various industries, primarily focusing on e-commerce and online retail in The middle east.

Getting started with Tegaraty is simple. Contact us through our website’s contact form. We will schedule a consultation to understand your needs and develop a tailored plan to help you succeed on Amazon. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the best account management services possible.

Advertising Basics

  • Customized Strategy Development: Tailored advertising strategies that align with your business goals.
  • Comprehensive Keyword Research: Identifying high-performing keywords to reach the right audience.
  • Compelling Ad Creation: Engaging ads that attract and convert potential customers.
  • Expert Campaign Management: Monitoring and optimizing campaigns for maximum ROI.
  • Detailed Reporting and Continuous Optimization: Regular performance reports and ongoing improvements.

Amazon Ads offers a range of options to help you achieve your advertising goals to registered sellers, vendors, book vendors, Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) authors, app developers, and/or agencies

Sellers sell products directly to Amazon customers. If you manage your products in Seller Central, you’re a seller.

Vendors sell their items directly to Amazon, who then sells them to customers. If you manage your products in Vendor Central, you’re a vendor.

CPC or PPC advertising is a type of paid advertising where ads display at no charge—ad impressions, or views, are free—and the advertiser is charged only when a customer clicks the ad. Sponsored ads—such as Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands—run on the CPC model.

CPM advertising is a type of paid advertising where you are charged a certain price for every 1,000 impressions of your ads.

Display ads are banners or images that appear on websites. Display advertising is available through Sponsored Display or Amazon DSP.

Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display are cost-per-click ads, meaning you pay only when customers click your ad, and you control your campaign budget.

The cost of display ad and video ad campaigns can vary depending on format and placement.

A keyword is a single word or combination of words that you add to your Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands campaigns. Keywords are matched to shopping queries that customers use to look for products on Amazon and determine when your ads may appear. Note that keywords are only used for Sponsored Products or Sponsored Brands. Sponsored Display ads reach products, product categories, or customers’ interests.

To start, we recommend using the suggested keywords when creating your campaigns. Sponsored Products campaigns may use automatic targeting, which selects relevant keywords automatically.

Once your automatic campaign is running, you can check your advertising reports to see which keywords are resulting in ad clicks and sales. You can use the top-performing keywords to create a Sponsored Brands campaign or a Sponsored Products campaign with manual targeting, where you select keywords to target and set individual bids for them.

Make sure that your keywords reference metadata contained on your advertised product’s detail pages. For example, an ad will not receive impressions for the keyword “beach towels” if the campaign contains only bath towel products.

Sponsored Products

Sponsored Products is a cost-per-click, keyword-targeted advertising solution that enables you to promote the products you sell with ads that may appear in highly visible placements on Amazon. You select your products to advertise and choose keywords to target or let Amazon’s systems target relevant keywords automatically. You control how much you want to spend on your bids and budgets and can measure your ads’ performance.

The ads serve both on desktop and mobile browsers as well as on the Amazon mobile app. When customers click your ad, they are taken to the advertised product’s detail page.

Your ads may be displayed at the top of, alongside, or within shopping results and on product detail pages. Ads may appear on both desktop, tablet, and mobile.

When customers click your ad, they will go to the product’s detail page where your offer is listed.

Sponsored Products is available for Amazon professional sellers and retail vendors in the advertising console.

Sellers will need (must meet ALL criteria):

  • An active Amazon professional seller account
  • Ability to ship to all addresses in the marketplace you are advertising in
  • Product listings in one or more of the available categories (must be new)
  • Listings that are eligible for the Featured Offer

If you create an ad for a product listing that is not eligible for the Featured Offer, your ad will not display to Amazon customers. Ads that are not eligible are flagged in the campaign manager.

Vendors can be a (must meet at least ONE criterion):

  • Hardlines vendor
  • Softlines vendor
  • Supplier Express vendor (aka Vendor Express vendors) with a confirmed purchase order or direct fulfillment order
  • Media vendor
  • Books vendor
  • Consumables vendor

In addition, listings advertised on Sponsored Products must be eligible for the Featured Offer.

At this time, amazon does not support adult products, used products, refurbished products, and products in closed categories.

Sponsored Products may help you increase sales by displaying ads when shoppers look for relevant products on Amazon.com. There are no monthly fees—you pay only when your ad is clicked. Consider using Sponsored Products for product visibility, new offers, unique selections, offers with low glance views, clearance items, and seasonal promotions.

Sponsored Products uses a cost-per-click, auction-based pricing model. You set the maximum amount that you are willing to pay when a customer clicks an ad for your product. The more competitive your bid is, the more likely it is that your ad will be displayed.

Sponsored Products allow broad, phrase, and exact matches.

Negative matches are matching types that prevent ads from being triggered by a certain shopping queries (word or phrase).

Negative keywords help prevent your ads from appearing on shopping results pages that don’t meet your performance goals. This extra level of control can help to reduce costs by excluding keywords where an advertiser might be overinvesting. This can help to improve ad performance metrics, such as click-through rate (CTR), advertising cost of sales return on investment (ACOS), and cost per click (CPC).

When creating a campaign, an advertiser enters a bid for the keywords that they want to target. A bid is the maximum amount you are willing to pay when a customer clicks an ad.

Yes, you can increase or decrease your daily budget once your ads are live.

The minimum daily budget for Sponsored Products is $1.00 (or equivalent in local currency).

As you accumulate clicks on your ads, there are two primary ways to pay your advertising fees:

  • Deduct them from your seller or vendor account balance.
  • Charge them to a credit card

You are charged when:

  • You accumulate your first $1.00 worth of clicks.
  • You accumulate additional clicks that meet or exceed your credit limit. Your credit limit begins at $50 and increases each time you reach your credit limit and you make a successful payment. From $50 it increases to $150, $200, $350, and finally $500.
  • You have a balance due for the previous month, regardless of your credit limit. You incur this charge on the third day of each month.

Invoicing is also available for vendors on an invite-only basis.

Before you create your first campaign, it’s important to know what business goals you want to accomplish through advertising. Establishing your goals up front will help you choose which products to advertise, decide how to structure your campaigns, and better analyze performance.

We recommend Sponsored Products as the simplest way to start advertising. No images or custom copy are needed, and ads go live immediately. You may use automatic targeting, which uses Amazon’s shopping insights to help you learn what shoppers are looking for. It also dynamically adapts to trends in the marketplace and seasonality.

Remember that your product must be in stock and priced competitively in order to become the Featured Offer, so take into account product pricing and availability when deciding to advertise. If your product isn’t the Featured Offer or is out of stock, your ad will not display.

If this is your initial campaign, we recommend you take an always-on approach and allow it to run for 2-3 weeks. This will help you gather enough data and insights to understand what is working and what isn’t.

Ad display is dynamic based on your campaign parameters. You can see your ad impressions, clicks, and conversions on the reporting page.

Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Brands are keyword-targeted ads that appear in shopping results on Amazon. They allow brands to promote multiple products or titles with a custom headline and logo within the ad creative. Ads take customers to a product detail page or Store.

Your ads may be displayed on top of, alongside, or within shopping results. Ads may appear on both desktop and mobile.

If a customer clicks one of the specific product images, they will be taken directly to the product detail page for that product. If a customer clicks the hero image or the ad copy, they will be taken to a customized landing page, such as a Store.

Sponsored Brands are available for Amazon professional sellers who are enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry and retail vendors in the advertising console.

Sellers (must meet ALL criteria):

  • An active Amazon professional seller account
  • Ability to ship to all addresses in the marketplace you are advertising in
  • Product listings in one or more of the available categories (must be new)
  • Registered in Amazon Brand Registry

Vendors (must meet at least ONE criterion):

  • Hardlines vendor
  • Softlines vendor
  • Media vendor
  • Books vendor
  • Consumables (non-Pantry/Fresh) vendor

With Sponsored Brands, you can drive sales on Amazon, as well as brand awareness with ads located in high-visibility placements.

Sponsored Brands can help you achieve a variety of goals, from generating awareness of a new product to promoting seasonal items or creating more demand for a best seller.

Amazon provide a range tools and reports that make it easy to analyze campaign performance and measure success. This includes a search term report to help you see what keywords are generating clicks and sales, and advertising cost of sales (ACOS), which represents ad spend as a percentage of sales.

Sponsored Brands uses a cost-per-click, auction-based pricing model. You set the maximum amount that you are willing to pay when your ad is clicked. The more competitive your bid is, the more likely it is that your ad will be displayed.

Sponsored Brands allow broad, phrase, and exact matches.

When creating a campaign, an advertiser enters a bid for the keywords that they want to target. A bid is the maximum amount you are willing to pay when a customer clicks an ad.

When you create a Sponsored Brands campaign, you’ll decide your advertising budget. You can set a daily budget or a lifetime budget.

The daily budget is the total amount you are willing to spend per day on a campaign. Each day is capped at the amount you have set but you might not always hit your daily budget limit. The lifetime budget is the total amount that you are willing to spend on one Sponsored Brands campaign for as long as it runs. Once your campaign has reached the lifetime budget limit you have set, it will stop running ads.

Daily budgets are not paced throughout the day, meaning a smaller daily budget could be spent in a few minutes if there are a large number of shoppers interested in your advertised products. Lifetime budgets are paced throughout the day so that your entire budget will incrementally accrue clicks and will not spend your entire budget in one day.

You will not be able to switch between a daily budget or a lifetime budget after you have selected one.

Regardless of which option you select, you have control over the total amount you want to spend—the final cost will never be more than the amount you’ve set for your campaign’s duration.

You can increase or decrease your daily budget once your ads are live. You can only increase your lifetime budget once your ads are live.

The minimum daily budget for Sponsored Brands is $1.00 (or equivalent in local currency).

As you accumulate clicks on your ads, there are two primary ways to pay your advertising fees:

  • Deduct them from your seller or vendor account balance.
  • Charge them to a credit card.

You are charged when:

  • You accumulate your first $1.00 worth of clicks.
  • You accumulate additional clicks that meet or exceed your credit limit. Your credit limit begins at $50 and increases each time you reach your credit limit and you make a successful payment. From $50 it increases to $150, $200, $350, and finally $500.
  • You have a balance due for the previous month, regardless of your credit limit. You incur this charge on the third day of each month.

Invoicing is also available for vendors on an invite-only basis.

Ad display is dynamic based on your campaign parameters. You can see your ad impressions, clicks, and conversions on the reporting page.

Sponsored Display

Sponsored Display is available for professional sellers enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, vendors, and agencies with clients who sell products on Amazon. In order to advertise, your products must be in one or more eligible categories.

Sellers will need (must meet ALL criteria):

  • An active Amazon professional seller account
  • Ability to ship to all addresses in the marketplace you are advertising in

Vendors must sell products within approved hardlines, softlines, books, and consumable categories on Amazon. Vendors who do not sell products directly on Amazon are not eligible to use Sponsored Display.

Reach audiences who showed interest in categories related to your promoted product. Reengage audiences anywhere they spend their time who previously viewed your product detail page but haven’t yet purchased. You can also target the detail pages of specific products or product categories on Amazon.

When customers click your ad, they will go to the product’s detail page where your offer is listed.

Without extensive resources you can quickly create a display ad campaign in minutes that reaches relevant audiences anywhere they spend their time to help achieve your business objectives.

Sponsored Display ads are purchased on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis. CPC advertising is a type of paid advertising where ads display at no charge—ad impressions, or views, are free—and you’re charged only when a customer clicks your ad. There is no minimum ad investment required. Advertisers choose their daily bid and budget.

Sponsored Display can help you increase product awareness, consideration, and conversion by displaying your ad to shoppers anywhere they spend their time. Ad creative may include a Shop now button that links back to the product’s detail page on Amazon. Advertisers can use the same familiar campaign metrics available within our sponsored ads suite to understand campaign performance.

No. Sponsored Display uses shopping signals to automatically reach audiences who may be interested in your promoted product.

Vendors must customize the logo or headline of ad creatives that reach audiences based on interest, or which target specific products or product categories on Amazon.


Stores are a multipage, immersive shopping experience on Amazon that allow you to showcase your brand and products. Creating a Store is free and doesn’t require any web development skills. Easily create custom layouts with rich multimedia content by using drag-and-drop tiles or predesigned templates.

Stores appear on the Amazon website on mobile, app, and desktop.

Stores are available for sellers who are registered in Amazon Brand Registry, vendors, and agencies representing vendors. You do not need to advertise on Amazon to create a Store, but you must be selling products on Amazon. Amazon DSP customers can also create a Store but must have an advertising console account in addition to their Amazon DSP account.

Creating a Store is free.

The time it takes to create a Store depends on what you would like to create. We’ve provided you with templates and tiles to make it easy to created pages quickly without design expertise. Before your Store can be published, we review it using a moderation process to make sure that it is up to the high standards we set for the customer shopping experience across Amazon. Keep in mind that moderation will take up to 72 hours, and your Store may be rejected if it does not meet Amazon`s content acceptance policy. So plan ahead and publish your Store with plenty of time before major sales, deals, or holiday events.

Yes. Stores templates and widgets are all designed as responsive. They work on any screen size or device type. To see how your Store will look on mobile or desktop before publishing it, a Preview link is available to you from the Store Builder.

Display Ads

Display ads, powered by Amazon DSP, are a flexible ad format that you can use to reach your desired audiences anywhere they spend their time using either Amazon-generated creative or your own.

Display ads appear on Amazon websites, apps, and devices, as well as on sites and apps not owned by Amazon.

Customers may be taken to a product detail page, a Store, a custom landing page, or an external website.

Display ads help you reach, inspire, and reengage customers, with the right message, anywhere they spend their time.

Amazon DSP is a demand-side platform that allows advertisers and agencies to programmatically reach audiences across the web.

A demand-side platform is software that provides automated, centralized media buying from multiple sources.

You can purchase display ads, video ads, and audio ads using Amazon DSP.

Amazon DSP programmatically delivers ads across Amazon.com and Amazon subsidiaries, like IMDb. Additionally, advertisers have access to direct inventory from leading publisher sites through Amazon Publisher Services as well as large third-party exchanges. This inventory includes high-quality sites on desktop and mobile web display, mobile app, and video pre-roll.

Display ads take customers to a product detail page, a Store, a custom landing page, or an external website. For video ads that can be clicked, the customer can be taken to a product detail page on Amazon, your own website, or another destination across the internet.

Amazon DSP is available to both advertisers who sell products on Amazon and those who do not. Amazon DSP is best suited to advertisers who want to programmatically buy display and video ads at scale.

Advertisers can enhance their reach by leveraging their existing audience using pixels, data management platforms (DMP), or advertiser-hashed audiences. In doing so, advertisers can deliver and optimize relevant ads to the same audiences across devices and ad formats to help drive greater relevance and improve campaign performance.

Advertising Partners

A partner is an advertising agency or tool provider who works with Amazon advertisers to manage and optimize campaigns. These campaigns help advertisers achieve business objectives and connect with Amazon audiences in meaningful ways.

The Partner Network is a self-service hub for agencies and tool providers to interact with and manage their business relationships with Amazon Ads. They can register with the Partner Network to access marketing and learning resources and showcase their capabilities to advertisers on the Amazon Ads partner directory.